WELCOME TO Dredge Bangla (Pvt.) Limited.

Dredge Bangla (Pvt.) Limited. (DBL) incorporated in 23rd September 1999 as a private limited company. The objective of the company is primarily to help the nation to retrieve its old heritage of river transportation and thrive the economy as a whole by making all major rivers of the land navigable round the year.

Bangladesh is a riverside country. Originating from the Himalayas, these rivers cross hundreds and thousands of kilometers before entering Bangladesh carrying with it an estimated 3 billion tons of suspended materials settling in the riverbeds in Bangladesh causing serious situation. The riverbed rise causes flood, bank erosion and drying of riverbed on recession of water causing loss of navigability, agricultural productivity, fishery resources etc. and it also damage the environmental balance in country. Dredging of rivers, canals, khals and other water bodies is the only means of overcoming the situation and should be the most urgent necessity of the country. On the contrary, dredging has remained the most neglected sector of the country. Bangladesh is a delta with total area of nearly 144 thousand square kilometers. It has eight major and more than 30 branch rivers with nearly 3500 kilometers of inland and costal waterways.

The government plans to dredge the rivers in an effort to reduce potential flooding that inevitably follows regularly occurring natural disasters and to make the rivers more navigable. As the largest industrial conglomerate in Bangladesh, DBL decided to invest in the dredging project. DBL stepped up as a private sector supporter when the government searched for assistance, adding dredging to their many specialties. The dredges will create new employment opportunities in Bangladesh. "Dedicated to solve dredging needs of Bangladesh" is the company motto and it is up to us to join the government's endeavors in solving our own environmental problems. With the decision to enter into the dredging industry company want to save our hard earning foreign currency. In the past, foreign contractors were the only ones to do these projects; now it can be done by the largest industrial corporation in Bangladesh.

The actual extent of dredging has been small, that too was focused on dredging of the major rivers using large sized imported dredgers. In our view, dredging of small rivers, canals, water bodies and canals are more extensively required which requires a very large number of small dredgers. No one looked into the importance and any feasible solution. Dredge Bangla (Pvt.) Limited. took the initiative and came out with a small locally built cutter suction dredgers capable of being move to each and every corners of the country. The equipment was made from 100% locally fabricated components and thus can be repaired and maintained everywhere. DBL has already procured modern dredgers and in the process of assembling several other dredgers at its Mahmudabad shipyard at Narshingdi.