Late Professor Dr. Abdur Rahim was the Founder Chairman & Director of our company. In 15th July 2015 Dr. Abdur Rahim died unexpectedly (Innahillaihe Oinna.....). Dr. Abdur Rahim was the former faculty member of Naval Architect and Marine Engineering Department of Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology (BUET). He completed his Graduation in 1980 in Naval Architecture & Technology and stood first class first. Later he obtained M.Sc. Engineering and PhD in Mechanical Engineering from the same University. He is also a Registered Professional Engineer with the Bangladesh Professional Engineers Registration Board and is the first naval architect of the country obtaining this feat.
Under his innovation, Dredge Bangla (Pvt.) Limited developed and built the first Cutter Suction Dredger in Bangladesh with 100% local components. Later, the design was further developed to build dredger and ancillary equipment for dredging and sand lifting from the inland rivers of Bangladesh.
Under his able guidance, dredgers were built for Dredge Bangla (Pvt.) Limited for capital dredging in the country competing with sophisticated imported dredger in dredging river of the country.
We really deeply appreciated for the valuable services rendered by Late Professor Dr. Abdur Rahim during his tenure as a Chairman of the Company.
May Allah rest his soul in peace.
Dredging is the process of excavating or removing sediments from the bottom of lakes, rivers, estuaries, or marine (ocean) locations. Sediment excavation or dredging is conducted for multiple purposes. These purposes include navigation, mineral extraction (mining), construction activities (e.g., laying underwater pipeline), and the environmental cleanup of polluted sediments.
Dredging is generally conducted by floating construction equipment and is accomplished by mechanical, hydraulic, or hydrodynamic (agitation) processes. Mechanical dredges generally employ drag lines, open or closed clam shell buckets, or an endless chain of buckets to excavate the sediment and place it in a container such as a barge or scow. The dredged sediment is then transported in the barge or scow for beneficial use at a location on land or in the water (e.g., construction material, fill or habitat enhancement), to a nearby disposal site, or in some cases, to an aquatic disposal site at a lake, river, estuary, or ocean.
Dredging for an environmental cleanup can be very controversial because of the significant expense, and the need for an environmentally suitable disposal alternative and proof that the cleanup is necessary, then effective. Environmental dredging has been used in more than thirty Bangladesh locations with mixed success. These sites are currently under review regarding the long-term usefulness of dredging. As a result, significant controversy (technical and political) exists as to the overall effectiveness of clean up dredging and the transfer of environmental and human health risk when huge quantities of sediment are removed from a water body and placed in an upland location. Comparative risk assessment of all practical alternatives is necessary to resolve these controversies.
Dredge Bangla (Pvt.) Limited took the initiative and came out with a small locally built cutter suction dredgers capable of being move to each and every corners of the country. The equipment was made from 100% locally fabricated components and thus can be repaired and maintained everywhere.
During the Gold Rush of the 19th century, miners could strike it rich by panning the right streams for gold using very simple equipment. Technologies quickly developed to access more gold, including hydraulic mining, hardrock mining, large mechanical dredging and the use of mercury. The suction dredge was developed in the 1960s as a type of portable underwater vacuum to suck up river sediments and then filter out the gold.
In 2010, there were approximately 1,100 miners registered to use suction dredges in Oregon's streams, almost all of whom were working in southwest Oregon's rivers. In California, prior to the current moratorium, approximately 3,200 suction dredge permits were issued each year. The basic configuration of a suction dredge is a floating system, or sluice box, attached to a suction hose that sucks up the river bottom. The stream sediments are run through the sluice box, gold is filtered out and the sediments are discharged back into the stream. The size and power of a dredge can vary, with motors typically ranging from 2 to 50 horsepower and the vacuum nozzle ranging from 2 to 10 inches. As with all in-stream mining, suction dredging impacts streams, fish and aquatic life. Here is a brief description of some impacts.
The government plans to dredge the rivers in an effort to reduce potential flooding that inevitably follows regularly occurring natural disasters and to make the rivers more navigable. As the largest industrial conglomerate in Bangladesh, DBL decided to invest in the dredging project. DBL stepped up as a private sector supporter when the government searched for assistance, adding dredging to their many specialties. The dredges will create new employment opportunities in Bangladesh. "Dedicated to solve dredging needs of Bangladesh" is the company motto and it is up to us to join the government's endeavors in solving our own environmental problems. With the decision to enter into the dredging industry company want to save our hard earning foreign currency. In the past, foreign contractors were the only ones to do these projects; now it can be done by the largest industrial corporation in Bangladesh.